Chelsea fc KTBFFH

Hari aku nak cerita tentang pasukan kegemaranku C.H.E.L.S.E.A F.C
Chelsea FC.svg
Chelsea FC

Stadium dia Stamford Bridge...tu la tempat idaman aku nak pergi selain tanah suci Mekah....pak cik aku dah pergi dah....:(
Stamford Bridge, 30 June 2011 cropped.jpg
Stamford Bridge

Aku meminati mereka mungkin sebab Jose Mourinho.dialah coach Chelsea yang berjaya sehingga digelarkan 'Special One'...cuma dia tak UCL je dengan Chelsea
Jose Mourinho

match yang paling best time lawan MU & Liverpool..

The words "Liverpool Football Club" are in the centre of a pennant, with flames either side. The words "You'll Never Walk Alone" adorn the top of the emblem in a green design, "EST 1892" is at the bottom.
Liverpool FC
The words "Manchester" and "United" surround a pennant featuring a ship in full sail and a devil holding a trident.
Manchester United FC

Lepas Mourinho blah aku tak ikut sgt perkembangan Chelsea...
Tp yang aku ingat time Avram Grant ambik alih Chelsea dapat masuk final kalah ngan MU....

Avram Grant (2008).jpg
Avram Grant
Lepas tu aku tak tengok bola sebab dah darjah 6 nak still ikut perkembangan Chelsea cuma tak tgk live je..lepas dah dapat 5A UPSR terus la ikut perkembangan Chelsea sampai sekarang...
2009-2010 Chelsea menang double EPL & FA Cup time Ancelotti...

Double(EPL & FA Cup)
tp sayang 2010-11 Chelsea mengalami musim yang agak sukar...dapat no. 2 belakang MU....Ancelotti kena pecat...

Carlo Ancelotti in Moscow.jpg
Carlo Ancelotti
Abramovich ambik Villas-Boas dari Porto....permulaan elok tp ada kesukaran sikit...

Andre Villas-Boas
MC tgh top sekarang aku yakin Chelsea boleh bangkit lepas kalahkan MC 2-1 haritu....

A crest depicting a shield with a eagle behind it. ON the shield is a picture of a ship, the initials M.C.F.C. and three diagonal stripes. Below the shield is a ribbon with the motto "Superbia in Proelia". Above the eagle are three stars.
Manchester City FC
UCL Chelsea dapat masuk Round of 16 dgn Arsenal...
Raul Meireles and Ramires
Chelsea to Round of 16
Arsenal to Round of 16

MU & MC terkeluar masuk UEL...hahaha...time tu aku gelak tak nak berlagak la nanti kena padahnya.....
MU out of UCL, but in UEL
Steffgan Crashes
MC also out of UCL, but in UEL

masih panjang lagi season musim ni....setakat ni je la cerita Chelsea aku hari ni....tahun depan tak sure la boleh update lagi ke tak sebab nak PMR dah...insyaallah boleh....KEEP THE BLUE FLAG FLYING HIGH>>>>>>